
【遙YAO】是採用 Synthesizer V 最新的人工智慧與機器學習技術,所製作而成的虛擬歌手夏語遙 AI 聲音庫。創作者透過直觀精巧的軟體界面,僅需簡單操作即可生成真實自然、變化多樣的合成歌聲。透過強大的 Synthesizer V 合成引擎,能帶來的中/英/日三語跨語言的合成歌聲,提供終極的人聲音樂製作體驗!

須搭配 Synthersizer V Studio 編輯器才能使用,Synthersizer V Studio 編輯器有兩種版本:Basic 版可至Dreamtonics官網免費下載、Pro 版提供較多功能需另購。


以下功能於 Basic 版和 Pro 版編輯器皆有提供



安裝 & 操作

音符 & 歌詞



以下功能僅於 Pro 版編輯器才提供





人物設計: IZUMI



夏語遙 YAO Synthesizer V AI 聲音庫 歷年原創歌曲翻唱試聽


終端用戶授權許可 / EULA


End Users License Agreement (EULA) 

YAO AI Voice Bank of End User License Agreement

This English version EULA is an auxiliary of the Chinese version.

In the event of inconsistency or discrepancy between the Chinese version and English version, the Chinese language version shall prevail.

Please read this license agreement (hereinafter referred to as “this Agreement”) before using this product. This document is an agreement between you and Dreamtonics Co., Ltd and E-CAPSULE Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “E-CAPSULE”). By using this product, you agree to all of the terms and conditions set forth herein. If you do not agree with all or part of the terms of this document, neither E-CAPSULE Co., Ltd. nor Dreamtonics Co., Ltd. will grant you a license to use this product.

1.E-CAPSULE license to the user the use of the product on the condition that the user complies in good faith with this agreement.

2.E-CAPSULE may change the content of this Agreement without prior notice to the user.

3.For the utilization of paid contents and services, please refer to the webpage specified by E-CAPSULE or the webpage specified by a third party. Minors must obtain the consent of their legal representative before purchasing paid content or services.

4.When internet communication is used with this product, you will be charged separately by a telecommunication carrier.

5.In the event that you are given an activation code by E-CAPSULE, you shall handle the credentials with care and you shall not disclose or share it with a third party. E-CAPSULE are not responsible for damages caused by inadequate management of accounts and passwords, malpractices in the usage, or any usage by a third party.

6.The user must not take any measure, such as reverse engineering, reverse compilation, or reverse assemble, etc. that result in the extraction of information such as basic concepts, structure, and source code for this software/algorithm. The user must not attempt to bypass the copyright protection technology and technical limitations of the product.

7.The copyright, including the right to edit all works related to this product, is reserved by E-CAPSULE or the third parties from which E-CAPSULE have obtained licenses.

8.Successful execution of the product activation code can obtain a user license, and the license granted to the user by E-CAPSULE allows the product to be installed on only one computer. The user shall not use one license to install the product on more than one computer.

9.You can transfer the product to another computer without obtaining a new license. However, you must de-license the computer on which the product is installed before completely removing the product.

10.You are free to use the synthesized sounds produced by this product for non-commercial use. If you want to use it for commercial purposes, please prepare the following items:

(1) Song preview link

(2) Complete lyrics text

(3) Specify what kind of commercial purpose you want to use

Please email the above information to: vs@voicesmith.com, E-CAPSULE will process it in a special case, and after the review is correct,  an electronic version of the Commercial Consent Authorization Letter (PDF) will be sent to you, and you can use it for commercial purposes.

11.The user can credit Synthesizer V (or Synthesizer V’s voice bank) for use in your work.

12.Please contact E-CAPSULE if you want to embed this product in other product for commercial use.

13.When using the product, you must not do any of the following acts, or any act that may lead to such acts

(1) Falsification of information that may be used in the product.

(2) Any action that infringes or may infringe our copyrights or that of a third party.

(3) Sending and writing harmful computer programs, etc.

(4) Slander or defamation of us or a third party.

(5) Any action that violates or may violate privacy.

(6) An act that is against public order and morals, or an act of disclosing obscene documents, drawings, synthesized voice, etc. to others.

(7) Interfering with the operation and use of the product.

(8) Any other actions that violate or may violate the law.

14.E-CAPSULE may change all or part of the contents of the product without prior notice to you.

15.For operational or technical reasons, E-CAPSULE may temporarily suspend or restrict the use of the product without notice to you. For the same reason, the provision of the product may be delayed.

16.Please note that you may not be able to use this product properly due to the communication environment, your computer specifications, or other reasons.

17.E-CAPSULE do not guarantee the accuracy of the content of this product or the accuracy of the information provided. E-CAPSULE may place advertisements and promotions on some of the services.

18.Advertisements and promotions may appear in parts of the product. Advertising and promotion may include hyperlinks to websites or information sources, but E-CAPSULE have no responsibility for any advertisements, products, etc. on or available from such websites or information sources. No warranty is given for any information.

19.E-CAPSULE will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by the user in using this product.

20.This agreement between E-CAPSULE and you shall be terminated if any of the following items apply.

(1) When you stop using this product.

(2) When you purchase a new major version of the product for an upgrade and a new contract is signed.

(3) When a breach of contract is applied.

(4) If E-CAPSULE give notice of the termination of this Agreement.

21.Upon termination of this Agreement, you must destroy the products and all copies in your possession. 6, 13 and 19 in this Agreement shall remain in effect even if this Agreement is terminated.

22.Any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of Taiwan. The user agrees that claims asserted in legal proceedings by either party against the other party shall be commenced and continued in the Taipei District Court in Taipei, Taiwan. If any provision of this Agreement is found unenforceable by a court or other adjudicatory body in any jurisdiction, such provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permitted and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

Contact: vs@voicemith.com

Copyright(C) Dreamtonics Co., Ltd.

Copyright(C) Dreamtonics Limited

Copyright(C) E-CAPSULE Co. Ltd.

!language zh-tw



《遙YAO AI聲音庫》最終用戶許可協議


請在使用本產品前閱讀本許可協議(以下簡稱“本協議”)。本文是您與Dreamtonics Co., Ltd 和E-CAPSULE Co., Ltd(以下簡稱“E-CAPSULE”)之間的協議。使用本產品即表示您同意此處規定的所有條款和條件。如果您不同意本文檔的全部或部分條款,E-CAPSULE Co., Ltd. 和 Dreamtonics Co., Ltd. 均不授予您使用本產品的許可。





5.E-CAPSULE提供給您的產品啟動碼(activation code),您應謹慎處理該憑證,不得洩露或與第三方共享。因啟動碼管理不當、使用不當或第三方使用而造成的損失,E-CAPSULE不承擔任何責任。



8.成功執行產品啟動碼(activation code)可取得用戶許可證,E-CAPSULE 授予用戶的許可證允許產品只能安裝在一台電腦上。用戶不得使用一個許可證在多台電腦上安裝產品。







11.用戶可註明在您的作品中使用了 Synthesizer V(或 Synthesizer V 的聲音庫)。



(1) 偽造產品中可能使用的資訊。

(2) 任何侵犯或可能侵害E-CAPSULE或第三方版權的行為。

(3) 發送、編寫有害計算機程序等。

(4) 誹謗或中傷E-CAPSULE或第三方。

(5) 任何侵犯或可能侵犯隱私權的行為。

(6) 違反公序良俗的行為,或向他人公開淫穢文件、圖畫、合成語音等的行為。

(7) 干擾產品的操作和使用。

(8) 任何其他違反或可能違反法律的行為。




17.E-CAPSULE不保證本產品內容的準確性或所提供信息的準確性。 E-CAPSULE 可能會在某些服務上投放廣告和促銷信息。

18.產品的某些部分可能會出現廣告和促銷訊息。廣告和促銷可能包括指向網站或訊息來源的超連結,但 E-CAPSULE 對此類網站或訊息來源上的,或可從此類網站或訊息來源獲得的任何廣告、產品等不承擔任何責任。不對任何訊息提供任何保證。



(1) 當您停止使用本產品時;

(2) 當您購買升級本產品新版並簽訂新合約時;

(3) 適用違約時;

(4) 如果E-CAPSULE發出通知終止本協議。

21.本協議終止後,您必須銷毀您擁有的產品和所有副本。即使本協議終止,本協議第 6 條、第 13 條和第 19 條仍然有效。


Contact: vs@voicemith.com

Copyright(C) Dreamtonics Co., Ltd.

Copyright(C) Dreamtonics Limited

Copyright(C) E-CAPSULE Co. Ltd.

!language zh-cn




公告日期:2024 年 5 月

制定者:飛天膠囊數位科技有限公司 (E-CAPSULE CO. LTD.) Voicemith 團隊


1. 使用 Voicemith 虛擬歌手 UTAU 或 Deep Vocal 歌聲庫製作所產生的歌聲,不可使用於商業用途,惟同人二創作品不在此限 (但須符合「二次創作使用規範」)。 

2.使用 Voicemith 虛擬歌手 AI 歌聲庫 (包括使用 Synthesizer V AI 和 ACE AI 引擎製作) 所產生的歌聲,才可申請使用於商業用途。


以 Voicemith 虛擬歌手 UTAU 或 Deep Vocal 歌聲庫,或 Voicemith 虛擬歌手 AI 歌聲庫製作產生的歌聲,無論使用於非商業或商業用途,若歌詞內容涉及以下情形,須另外加上《文字聲明》:


(2) 歌詞描述搶劫、綁架、殺人或其他犯罪行為情節細密,有誘發模擬作用。

(3) 歌詞描述自殺過程細節,有誘發模擬作用。

(4) 歌詞有恐怖、血腥、殘暴、變態等情節且表現方式強烈,且一般成年人難以接受者。

(5) 歌詞描述吸毒、販毒、以及使用毒品之畫面或情節。

(6) 歌詞描述對未滿十八歲人之行為或心理有不良影響之虞。




1.自本使用規範公告日起,Voicemith 虛擬歌手 UTAU 或 Deep Vocal 歌聲庫不再開放商業使用。如有商業使用的需求,請使用 Voicemith 虛擬歌手 AI 歌聲庫進行創作,並聯絡我們洽詢商業使用授權事宜。

2.在本使用規範公告日前使用「Voicemith 虛擬歌手 UTAU 或 Deep Vocal 歌聲庫」創作並已用於商業使用的作品,得以現狀繼續使用。如逾越前述範圍,仍應依前條之方式取得商業使用授權。